Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stream and Green Rocks

Stream and Green Rocks
Watercolor, 2012
10" x 18"
Sold at Auction - benefit for Urbiculture Community Farms

This was my second attempt at a small waterfall scene. The left side and the background of the painting are fictional, the right side was inspired by a photo.

The rocks were mixtures of Ultramarine Blue (Daniel Smith) and Burnt Umber (Windsor Newton) then a wash of Olive Green (Da Vinci) for the mossy effect. The still water was painted with a clear, very moist large brush and then barely touching and moving pigment, swirly to give a "flowing" feel. The little waterfalls are an attempt at the Tony Foster style (he is brilliant!).

I actually miss this painting... I know the woman who bought it and I hope to see it again someday soon. (I hate most my paintings so please forgive my self satisfaction.)