Sunday, October 28, 2012

Watercolor, 2012
12" x 16"

I have been working too many hours and haven't picked up the brushes in a very long time.  I had time this weekend, Jana and I went to the cabin, she sewed and I painted. Another sparrow.  The idea here was leaving the darks dark and trying to gain color and contrast on the stripes of the bird and getting the feet right.  I also used a larger block of paper, 140lb cold press, Arches.  I made the drawing on a smaller sketch pad and then used my large watercolor paper block, 12" x 16", making this my largest song bird painting.

Again, I used only three colors, yellow ochre, burnt umber, ultra-marine blue... and that is it. Oh, except I added a  cadmium yellow highlight on the eye brow and on the beak.  I used my wash technique on the feathers and then later added a dry brush (burnt umber) highlight.  I still feel like the strokes are not assertive enough. I do like the feather pattern on the far wing, I think that is the whole point of the painting. As always, my goal with those wing feathers is a glowing or gem like quality.  I like the hard border paint built up from dropping clear water into my washes.

The next step is doing what I have been putting off, frames.  I really want to build a nice frame for this painting and to use a subtle double mat.